When I was a teenager, web browser games started to be a thing; something that everyone played. Whether it was kingdom building game (Travian), space empire simulator (Ogame) or weird PvP / roleplaying hybrid (Bitefight) – there was a niche suited for everyone.

Nowadays mobile game have taken their place, although sometimes I am still bombarded with spam ads for these kind of games on Facebook.

Due to nostalgy for such games I thought a crazy idea – why not write a backbone for a web based RPG as an API?

The plan is simple – API should have endpoints allowing user to both retrieve and create in game characters, as well as items belonging to them.

I am utilising both GET and POST methods, and outline of endpoints looks like this:

  • GET /character – fetch the entire list of characters
  • GET /character/name – fetch info about specific character
  • GET /character/name/item – fetch info about items in character’s inventory
  • POST /character – create a new character
  • POST /character/name/item – add an item to character’s inventory

To simplify things I have not added a database yet. Instead the info on characters is stored in a dictionary object. Of course it comes with a limitation – the characters we create with POST will only exist in applications memory and will only persists while the application runs, but I will address it in a later entry. For now I want something simple and working.

After creating endpoints in Flask the application can be run locally using following command:

flask run

Doing so the application will be run as an instance and published on default port 5000.

In the dictionary I’ve input two characters: Adelajda (named after my friend, my usual go-to for female characters in RPG games) and Tordek (dwarf warrior from D&D 3rd edition).

Let’s try to retrieve the list of these characters and see what we can get from Postman by hitting /characters endpoint:

    "characters": [
            "items": [
                    "name": "longbow",
                    "value": "100"
            "level": "1",
            "name": "Adelajda"
            "items": [
                    "name": "battleaxe",
                    "value": "150"
                    "name": "platemail",
                    "value": "1000"
            "level": "100",
            "name": "Tordek"

We have two characters, one of them being lvl 1, while the other is lvl 100 and each of them has a different items in inventory. Pretty good start. However, the usual party in roleplaying games usually consists 4 players so let’s add two additional characters by using POST method. Let’s make sure to include „name” and „level” in request body, for example:

    "name": "Strider",
    "level": "50"

I’ve added one more character and now the output of GET /character looks the following:

    "characters": [
            "items": [
                    "name": "longbow",
                    "value": "100"
            "level": "1",
            "name": "Adelajda"
            "items": [
                    "name": "battleaxe",
                    "value": "150"
                    "name": "platemail",
                    "value": "1000"
            "level": "100",
            "name": "Tordek"
            "items": [],
            "level": "50",
            "name": "Strider"
            "items": [],
            "level": "20",
            "name": "Evelynn"

Four characters make a decent party, however it looks like Strider and Evelynn came unprepared! Let’s try to fix that by using POST /character/name/item endpoint and add some item’s to inventory of these characters. Example request body:

    "name": "robe",
    "value": "150"

Let’s view only Evelynn’s inventory by using our last endpoint, GET /character/name/item and make sure that the newly added robe is indeed there. The output:

    "items": [
            "name": "robe",
            "value": "150"

And here it is!

The application itself is simple and there are quite a few things that could be improved – one thing that comes to my mind is adding default values for level and items (in case those are not specified in POST request) and I might address them in the future.

For now let’s settle on what we have. You can find a full code of this application here.

In the upcoming blog post I will dockerize the application and deploy it in Azure Container Apps. See you next time!